Welcome to the web presence of Forming Franciscan Families! The purpose of this new TSSF program is to support tertiaries, postulants and novices who have children (through the age of 17) in their lives by providing resources, fellowship opportunities and formation activities that encourage the Franciscan way of being Christian.We welcome parents, grandparents, and Godparents — anyone with children actively present their lives!
In addition to assisting members of the Third Order synthesize their Franciscan vocation with everyday family life, Forming Franciscan Families can support individual members who may find it difficult to balance the demands of the Franciscan way of life with the demands of family life.
At the moment, the areas of focus include:
- a collection of videos, books and other resources (see below) to help members make connections between their Franciscan vocation and family life
- quarterly fellowship and formation gatherings that are offered via Zoom and open to children and the adults in their lives (see below for the schedule)
- quarterly conversation and contemplative prayer group for members and/or their spouses — this is to provide group support by sharing about life (first half) and then by resting in God through a contemplative prayer form (second half)
The Forming Franciscan Families Steering Team is in the process of developing additional resources, including kid-friendly Daily Office materials, multi-generational activities to be paired with the chapters of Forming the Life of a Franciscan, and holiday projects.
If you have any questions, suggestions, and or ideas, please contact Derrick Fetz at derrick.fetz@gmail.com, the Coordinator of Forming Francisan Families.
Virtual Gatherings
Print-out this PDF of our 2021 gatherings
Fellowship and Formation Gathering Dates
2021 Dates: February 21; May 16; August 29 and December 5
All gatherings are at 4 p.m. Eastern Time
Log-in information will be distributed through various TSSF publications or you can contact Derrick Fetz at derrick.fetz@gmail.com.
Conversation and Contemplative Prayer Dates
2021 Dates: March 14; June 27; September 26 and November 21
All gatherings are at 4 p.m. Eastern Time
Log-in information will be distributed through various TSSF publications or you can contact Derrick Fetz at derrick.fetz@gmail.com.
Francis and Friends Curriculum

For those looking for a range of interactive activities and videos that highlight a number of Franciscan values and charisms (nature, community, joy, simplicity, forgiveness), francisandfriends.org is an excellent resource. Although this self-paced curriculum is geared for elementary children, many of the activities can be adapted for younger children and older youth. If you need help adapting the activities, please contact Derrick Fetz, the Coordinator of Forming Franciscan Families. Some of the activities will be included in the Fellowship and Formation Gatherings.
Additional Resources
About St. Francis and St. Clare
(these are geared for elementary-aged young people)
Brother Sun, Sister Moon: Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures reimagined by Katherine Paterson
The Song of Francis by Tomie dePaola
The Song of Francis and The Animals by Pat Mora
Brother Francis of Assisi by Tomie dePaola
Saint Clare and Her Cat by Dessi Jackson
Saint Clare of Assisi by Simone Finaldi
Clare and Francis by Guido Visconti
The Little Francis, several animated videos featuring a child-like Francis in various vignettes:
A Gift from St. Francis: The First Creche by Joanna Cole
The Friendly Beasts: An Old English Christmas Carol by Tomie dePaola
The Legend of Old Befana: An Italian Christmas Story by Tomie dePaola
To Dance WIth God by Gertud Mueller Nelson
Bible Translations/Paraphrased Versions/Stories
Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
The Guidebook: The New Revised Standard Version Student Study Bible
Tomie dePaolo’s Book of Bible Stories
The Good Samaritan: and Other Parables by Tomie dePaolaThe Miracles of Jesus by Tomie dePaola
Franciscan Values
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller
God’s Dream by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise by Tomie dePaola
Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie dePaola
“A Place in the Choir” (song):
The Way of Love for Children and Teens
The Very Best Day by Roger Hutchison (book)