Joining Our Order

The decision to join a religious order is a serious one – one which should be taken after thought, prayer and conversation.

There are a few requirements of those applying for formation. Tertiaries (members of the Third Order) are normally confirmed or received members of the Episcopal Church or churches in communion with the See of Canterbury. If you are Roman Catholic please see the Roman Catholic Secular Franciscans Order at If you are not Episcopalian or Roman Catholic, please see for information on the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans.

Next, please read What is the Third Order and Our Rule, Principles, and Formation. You may want to print a copy of this information to read over.

Being a Tertiary touches on all aspects of one’s life, so a married aspirant should have the sympathetic support of their partner in pursuing this vocation. Our Rule requires that each Tertiary have a spiritual director; this need not be a priest or a Franciscan, but should ideally be someone who is under direction, has spiritual maturity, and with whom each Tertiary would feel comfortable in sharing his/her Franciscan journey. Once you have prayed and discussed it with your Spiritual Director if you already have one, if you feel called to apply, please write to:

TSSF Secretary for Inquirers:

The above address is for inquiries in the Anglican/Episcopal Province of the Americas. If you do not live in North or South America, or you are not Episcopalian/Anglican, please see the Franciscan Family page to find Franciscan in your location or denomination.

Peace and all good be yours as you begin to explore the Franciscan life.