The Formation Program

Formation for all Christians is a lifelong process. In the Third Order, the program of initial formation is designed to help clarify, deepen and strengthen one’s understanding of our life in relationship with God and Creation, especially through the examples of Saints Francis and Clare. Our program enables those in formation to engage with professed members in a process of mutual discernment, growth and inspiration. The goal is to help those new to us understand and grow into our desire as an Order:
“We are an Order because we have vowed our loving support to one another as we seek to serve Christ in the spirit of Francis and Clare, and organize our lives by our rule inspired by the Principles.”
In this understanding, formation is not simply a private, spiritual endeavor, but an interactive and holistic entrance into the life of a loving community.
Our formation program has four distinct phases:
- Aspirancy—a period of usually 2-3 months during which one learns basic information about Franciscanism and our Order and makes application
- Postulancy—a period of at least six months during which one works with a counselor to develop and begin living by a personal rule of life
- First-Year Novitiate—a period of one year in which one participates in an online forum to learn more about our Principles and Franciscan history, theology and spirituality
- Second-Year Novitiate—a final year in which one works with a formation counselor and participates with an online peer group to explore our Ways of Service (Prayer, Study and Work)
How To Begin
The inquirer begins the process by contacting our Secretary for Inquirers (, who will send a Welcome Packet. Our Assistant Formation Guardian for Welcome will then contact you to greet you and invite you to an online information session or phone conversation to answer your questions. If you choose to submit an application to enter formation, you will be asked to write a spiritual autobiography, obtain a letter of reference, begin work to identify a spiritual director (if you don’t have one already) whom you will meet with monthly throughout formation, and learn some basic information about the Franciscan tradition and our Order. You will also be invited to begin participating in a local or online fellowship (small groups of tertiaries who meet regularly to share contemplation, community, and to support one another in mission).
Becoming a Postulant
After all your application materials are in order, you will be invited to become a postulant. During the usually six-month period of postulancy, you will work with a formation counselor to write a personal rule of life consistent with the Principles of the Order and the nine prescribed areas of the Rule. These include:
- Holy Eucharist,
- Penitence,
- Personal Prayer,
- Self-Denial,
- Retreat,
- Study,
- Simplicity,
- Work and
- Obedience.
The focus during postulancy is to begin living this personal rule, becoming familiar with our Principles, Franciscan joy and Franciscan ways. At the end of six months, the postulant’s progress is reviewed. After considering input from the Counselor, the local fellowship, and the postulant, the applicant is normally approved for admission as a novice.
First-Year Novitiate
The novice formally joins the community by making a promise to continue the formation process, following the Principles of the Order and living by their personal Rule of Life. During the first year of novitiate, the novice participates in a monthly online forum with other novices and professed tertiaries who serve as forum mentors, or continues to report to a formation counselor. Study focuses on our Principles, Franciscan history and theology, and integrating this tradition into daily life. After one year as a novice, the formation team and the local or online fellowship review the progress of the novice. Normally, permission is granted to proceed to the final year of formation.
Second-Year Novitiate
During the final year, the novice typically reports every other month to a formation counselor, and participates in the intervening months with an online service formation group of other second-year novices and professed mentors. The focus at this stage is continuing to live by the Rule, with a deeper exploration of our three ways of service (Prayer, Study and Work), as well as other ways of embodying Franciscan spirituality. The novice will also learn about missional priorities of the Order, such as sacred ecology and racial harmony.
Life Profession

After two years as a novice, upon recommendation by the formation team, the novice may apply for life profession. A ballot is compiled based on the novice’s desire to profess and a series of evaluations, and is voted on by the Chapter (the governing body of the Order). If elected to profession, the individual is given the mandate for profession by the Provincial Chaplain. The individual then makes his/her life profession.