That we all may be one

Established in 2004, the Joint Committee on Franciscan Unity exists to be an instrument of peacemaking, healing, and reconciliation among the various followers of Christ in the Way of Saints Francis and Clare – regardless of denominational affiliation. It is committed to modeling and encouraging communication, mutual respect, affirmation, and cooperation among its members and the Franciscan Orders they represent, to witness to the shared life-transforming spirituality they experience as they follow Jesus in the Way of Saints Francis and Clare.
Currently, its members are representatives of the Third Order, Society of St. Francis, TSSF (Episcopal/Anglican); The Order of Secular Franciscans, OFS (Roman Catholic); The Order of Ecumenical Franciscans, OEF; and the Order of Lutheran Franciscans, OLF; and is eager to welcome members of other Franciscan communities.
Its dream and efforts are to work towards fulfilling Jesus’ prayer for his followers that, “they all may be one,” (John 17: 22-23). Each year, the Joint Committee creates and offers a Franciscan Unity Conference, providing an opportunity for members of its representative Orders, as well as guests from other Franciscan communities, to experience and explore the reality of their shared Franciscan calling. Each participant is encouraged to return to their respective community to share their experience and to encourage intentional ecumenical relationship-building and cooperation with other Franciscan communities in their area.