CJP Everyday Heroes – Video Interviews
Interviews with everyday heroes of TSSF – a good way to learn about your fellow tertiaries and what they are doing to bring to God’s creation Justice and Peace.

Listening to the World
By Jeff Golliher, Assistant Minister Provincial for Sacred Ecology and Colonialization/Decolonization.
Victoria Tester Interviewed on The Living Church Podcast
Listen as Victoria Tester, TSSF discusses her work on the Mexican Border helping the starving and vulnerable on this episode of The Living Church podcast.
Here is the Podcast Blurb:
Meditating on the Passion, on the Lord’s suffering for us, we often recall times and places of other suffering — in our own hearts, our lives, the lives of others. Several weeks ago, I was introduced to a woman who has seen what it’s like for God to bear witness to himself in the life and sufferings of his people in profound ways across borders: borders of nationality and religious tradition; across the lines of sinner and saint, priest and prostitute. These stories are about some of God’s people living at the border of Mexico and the U.S., and how a New Mexico photographer and writer found herself, over and over, involved in the work, the suffering, the questions and prayers of folks in a small town called Palomas. These stories are also about how God works in and through the wounds of our lives as we meet very similar wounds in our neighbors. How do the marks of violence and pain become doors to grace?
My guest is Victoria Tester. Victoria is a Third Order Franciscan and a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Coleman, Texas. She is a poet and playwright and a recipient of awards that include an Academy of American Poets prize and a Willa Cather Literary Award. She has also worked as a photographer and founded the San Isidro Bean Project which, in a time of famine, made over a million meals possible in cooperation with a family farm.
Reflections on the Principles of The Third Order of the Society of St. Francis and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
An article written by Novice Joanna Dunevant, about the correlation between the TSSF Principles and the 12 Steps.