Janet’s Bytes – March 2022

Today I am simply copying a report from our Regional Minister in Brazil about the latest news with the Guarani People, with whom we are standing.

Janet – Peace and Good. Just to keep the province updated with the latest facts.

URGENT❗ Invasion in the Tekoa Ka’aguy Mirim Porã, in the Tarumã TI (northern coast SC)

On Tuesday morning (22/03), the Tekoa Ka’aguy Mirim Porã, in the Tarumã Indigenous Territory, located in the municipality of Araquari/SC [Santa Catarina state], was violently invaded. A group of non-indigenous people, accompanied by military police officers, illegally entered the Indigenous Land and destroyed the houses and possessions of the Guarani community. Working tools and objects of spiritual importance were completely destroyed. The losses felt by the community at this moment are immeasurable.

The northern coast of SC is a region inhabited and cared for by various Guarani groups who have their territorial rights recognized. However, the invasions of these territories have been constant and, with the omission of the responsible inspection bodies, are getting worse every day.

According to Guarani leaders, the invading group claimed to be complying with a court order for repossession. *However, no warrant was presented to the community. A member of the invading group, dressed in military garb, even falsely claimed to be a member of the army in order to legitimize the destruction of the village.

We also know that, since May 2020, a decision handed down by the Federal Supreme Court in General Repercussion (in RE 1.017.365) prevents the processing or enforcement of repossession orders against indigenous communities.Thus, today, along with the territory and the life of the Guarani of the Tekoa Kaaguy Porã Mirim, national legislation and an unquestionable determination of the Supreme Court have been attacked.

At this moment, Funai, the Federal Public Ministry and the Guarani Yvurupa Commission are following the case. Other competent authorities have already been mobilized.

We will seek, with courage and with the certainty of our constitutional rights, the protection of our territory and the accountability of those who invaded and destroyed the Tekoa Ka’aguy Mirim.

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