Janet’s Bytes – Nov 2021

Let’s open things up even more and in so doing close up the gap between what Chapter is doing on your behalf and what you want to know.

I suppose by now most of you have seen The Video. It’s a visual representation of the Global Third Order statement about Standing with the Indigenous. If you’ve missed it, here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmxnP-kL7cs&authuser=0

How to describe how that initiative got going!? It grew out of Sacred Ecology meetings between Mark MacDonald and Jeff Golliher. You all know that our brother Mark is the Archbishop to the Indigenous for the Church of Canada, right? And an Ojibwe himself. Those conversations were passed on to all the Ministers Provincial and our Minister General, and soon that statement became something for every one of our Provinces. It started on the grassroots level and just took off! And the Holy Spirit is still taking it places. In my next Bytes, I will talk more about that.

I want to share a couple of other things with you. Because of its growing importance, Lifelong Formation has now been split off from the Fellowship Guardian role. And Susan Pitchford is the new Director of that. I think you’ll agree that she is wonderfully suited to that mission. All our Provinces will now have such a Director, so conversations about Lifelong Formation can embrace all of us, around the world.

We have also gotten approval in Chapter for our Safeguarding Our Loving Community Policy (found on our website under Resources/Governance). In the next Franciscan Times you can read more about how we got there. One of the hallmarks of this policy is its emphasis on prevention, training and awareness. We have a Guardian of our Loving Community in place (welcome Cleveland Beach) and he will be talking to each of us about signing an agreement that we have read and accept the policy.

Peace and All Good to each of you! Janet Fedders

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Bishop David Rice and Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF videos from Chapter 2021

The annual Chapter meeting happened this month and Chapter members were treated to some inspiring input from Bishop David Rice (Bishop Protector of TSSF) and Sister Margaret Carney OSF. The videos of their talks have been added to our Articles & Videos page or you can watch them here!

800th Anniversary Celebration

Sr. Margaret Carney OSF, noted Franciscan scholar, presents a fascinating study of the Rule of 1221 and Francis’ involvement with the Order of Penitence. This video gives us new understanding to the term Conversion of Life, which is what Francis’ understanding of penitence was all about. Sr. Margaret presented this material at Chapter 2021 in zoom format. Chapter was eager to share it with everyone.


Listen to our Bishop Protector’s wise words on being present. And hear him talk about his new book Holy Experiment, available on Kindle and through the Diocese of San Joaquin website.

“Love – the Bridge to the Kingdom” retreat videos

Love - the Bridge to the Kingdom

The TSSF Cloud Fellowship sponsored an on-line retreat on February 26-27, 2021 on the subject of Love – the Bridge to the Kingdom. The theme of this retreat arose from concern about the increasing divisions apparent in our nation.

The videos from the retreat have been added to the website in the Articles & Videos page for you to be inspired, challenged and encouraged. Click here to watch the videos.

Also, see the new TSSF Americas YouTube Channel where these videos are hosted, and where we will add other TSSF videos in the future!