In this episode of our Podcast, we explore the topic of prayer and its significance in our relationship with God. Prayer is our response to God’s invitation to relationship, and it starts with a subtle desire or ability to see things differently and reach out to a higher power. We will delve into the different ways prayer can manifest itself in our lives, and how it can deepen our connection with God. We will take a look at the prayer life of Saint Francis, and how it evolved from dreams and visions to becoming a constant companion. We will also explore the concept of colloquy or conversation as a form of prayer, and how it can help us stay centered in Christ and aware of his constant companionship. We will also discuss the importance of taking regular time to be with our dearest friend, Jesus, and how it is vital to know God intimately. If you’re interested in gaining a deeper understanding of prayer and its role in our spiritual journey, tune in to this episode of our Podcast.
This episode is a reading of Chapter 4 – Personal Prayer from the book “Forming The Life Of A Franciscan” which you can download by clicking here.
The chapter is read by Janet Fedders, TSSF.
Intro and Outro music by Ketsa – I hope you know https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ketsa/1000/i-hope-you-know/