In this podcast episode, we delve into the topic of study as it relates to the Franciscan Order. Many of us tend to think of study as solely theological, but the reality is that it encompasses much more than that. The Principles of the Order call for a much broader approach to study, and as Tertiaries, we are committed to living the Gospel in a radical way. We discuss the importance of studying the Bible, particularly the Gospels, as well as the Principles of the Order and formation materials. We also delve into the significance of reading biographies of St. Francis and books on Franciscan spirituality, and how these can aid in our ongoing formation as Franciscans. Additionally, we explore the broader subjects related to the Franciscan life, such as physics, astronomy, politics, and medicine, and how these can increase our understanding of God’s creation. We also touch on the dangers of study and the importance of not letting it extinguish the spirit of prayer and devotion. Lastly, we remind our listeners that study is not limited to reading books and that there are various other means of study, such as retreats, conferences, films, videos, and discussion groups. Join us as we explore the vast and rich world of Franciscan study.
This episode is a reading of Chapter 7 – Study from the book “Forming The Life Of A Franciscan” which you can download by clicking here.
The chapter is read by Janice Syedullah, TSSF.
Intro and Outro music by Ketsa – I hope you know https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ketsa/1000/i-hope-you-know/