“Are you feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced, complex society we live in? Are you struggling to balance living in the world and being a powerful witness of living Gospel values? Join us on this week’s episode of our Podcast as we delve into the teachings of Francis and explore the concept of simplicity. We will discuss how to simplify our lives through time management, material goods, and inner simplicity. We will also delve into the importance of Sabbath rest and how it can help us disconnect from the constant demands of the world and connect with ourselves and our loved ones. We explore the teachings of Jesus and the apostles on wealth, poverty, and the stewardship of God’s gifts. We discuss the dangers of becoming addicted to consuming items to excess and how this can lead to idolatry. Simplicity is a kind of integrity, it means adopting Gospel values in place of the values of the marketplace. We discuss ways to live out the interior attitude of self-denial and learn to be good stewards of the material goods we have been given. We also discuss the importance of detachment, stewardship of time and resources, and the inner emptying of our souls to God. Join us as we discuss the true meaning of inner simplicity, its relation to self-denial and self-emptying, and the role of silence and liturgy in fostering simplicity. Don’t miss this thought-provoking episode as we explore the fine balance between living in the world and being a powerful witness of living Gospel values. Tune in now and start simplifying your life today!”
This episode is a reading of Chapter 8 – Simplicity from the book “Forming The Life Of A Franciscan” which you can download by clicking here.
The chapter is read by Janet Fedders, TSSF.
Intro and Outro music by Ketsa – I hope you know https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ketsa/1000/i-hope-you-know/